Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blissful Inconvenience

"You can have sacred, revelatory, profoundly instructive experience with the Lord, in the most miserable experiences of your life. In the worst settings, while enduring the most painful injustices; when facing the most insurmountable odds and opposition you have EVER faced." --Jeffery R. Holland

Isn't that an interesting statement? No matter what we go through, we can learn the most personally gratifying things amongst the hell that surrounds us. We know that happiness is a state of mind and attitude but do we really acknowledge that life is often really crappy? It's ok to say that! In fact, it feels good. Try it out.

Life throws many things at you. Often, in times of deep nightmare, it is hard to see the light. And in that tunnel of misery we feel as if we are running through stone or slitting our wrists and doing push ups in saltwater. However, I have come to find that even in these times we can identify with many around us. It is in these moments that we are defined as either pitiful and lonely or bridled towards those who can help.

Suck it up, people. Life is good. Quit complaining about the simple annoyances and remember that opposition is nothing more than an tough situation that soon turns to blissful inconvenience.

"When lonely, cold, hard times come, we have to endure; we have to continue; we have to persist...The Savior has been where you've been--allowing Him to provide for your deliverance and your comfort."--Jeffery R. Holland (Same talk)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Waiting with Empty Palms

As much as you don't want it to happen, we all grow up. Many grow in different ways--some fast, some slow; some in a positive way and some in a negative way. Yet, it all comes down to how we love. Hastiness isn't the answer; patience is.

However, my purpose of this blog is to stand palms open and ready showing those in a path they didn't necessarily see themselves in years back that I am willing to listen and wait. As children we profess to be our best selves: the kind of person your mommy or daddy would be proud of.

When we fall short of our own expectations as well as the expectations of others it can be hard to change. Pride overcomes the necessity to change the change that is taking over motivation to be our best even if that change is so minor and insignificant.

Meanwhile, many stand by and do the only thing they can do to help: wait. They wait for that moment when this person realizes their becoming lost along a stringy, sticky path that holds them captive. And once they grasp that reality they find the will to revamp themselves; curing themselves from doubt and insecurity. But the standers watch and wait; wait instead of judge and shun--anticipating to the point of annoying those seeking restitution: alone. And those struggling grope for those willing to listen.

We can't save souls alone for we all need saving. Are we lending arms of comfort? Are we grieving with those that need empathy? But most of all, are we patiently waiting?

I'm here. I'm waiting. And all I have are empty palms and a broken heart.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Authentic Mexican Mariachi Bands

Tonight I was in company of a great friend. We laughed and reminisced of good times past. These past memories only bring better ones.

It was a moment of quiet reflection for two reasons: 1. I'm off track...what ELSE am I supposed to be thinking about. 2. The soft descant of a mariachi band over the speakers of Taco Time brought me back to my Mexican roots...wait...never mind...2.5. I was eating a crunchy chicken burrito which always allows time and, in fact, invites contemplation of ones life.

What thoughts, in particular, you ask? Well...I can give you a list of things that will only make sense to some but may perhaps bring joy to others:
-Reading random pages in British accents
-Apple Orchards
-Hair dye
-Singing in a crampy, old, luxury van.

And much more....even more to come. And that's the joy of friendship. It's joy in sitting in a car, doing absolutely nothing but talking about the many facets of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Common Courtesy of Commenting

What do I do in my spare time? I blog. It sounds dumb. It even sounds slightly tacky but you know what? It's how I do. Every blogger has his or her expectations. They expect that their stats keep rising, only to find they average about the same month to month. They expect to receive feedback--positive or know which of the two we welcome more.

Personally, I have around 10 I do, however, have over 1,000 views--which makes me feel good. Do people actually read my blogs? If so, I'm sorry. haha.

Basically what I'm saying is nothing short of the following: PEOPLE! give me some feedback!

On a different note, I feel as if I should speak to all of the bloggers out there that talk about meaningless crap that give the rest of us a bad name. Please, pick up another hobby like...goldfish hunting or underwater basket-weaving.

Much Love