A new word has been added to my vocabulary. A word that will forever be fond to my heart. Something that may annoy some but something I can't let go. It was found in a place where my heart resides. And will continue to reside until I make memories of my own in a life created by someone I once was.
Some may consider me a fanatic; others may consider me a freak. But what I have to say to that is this: Texas pride is not a plague but a prize; a delight not a distaste. I used to be a hater of the biggest state in the nation but I have changed my ways and I'm never looking back. Why? Well, because it has added this word into my vocabulary. The word is this: ya'll.
No one will ever fully comprehend the power of the "ya'll" unless they've lived in the Lone Star state. So. When you ask me questions like, "How would you summarize the last 18 months of your life?" or "Did you enjoy your time in the home of the blue bonnet?" My answer will be this:
"Ya'll will never understand unless you move to Texas."
"No sabes nada hasta que viva en Tejas."
You're welcome.
P.S. If Texas does secede, I'm moving out of the country.