Saturday, August 27, 2011


It's the simple things in life that makes ordinary events extraordinary events. Yet, these simple things; rather moments, are those that change a life of fear for adventure to hunger for adventure. And don't you agree that life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all? Are the simple things really THAT simple? Or are they the moments that matter most?

Tonight I had one of these adventurous simplicities. Though the Dog Days are almost over, the sun paid my skin a visit and what was once ivory became a rubescent red; nevertheless, only memories of washing cars more the majority of the day and drinking out of the hose bring smiles at threat of pain.

Sometimes the best things heard are those not said--which is yet again another gift of simplicity. Simplicity reared it's head with a bag of popcorn and two best friends. It didn't matter if the game didn't make sense; that it was dumb; that others would consider it a waste of time. Simplicity smiled on us as stomachs and cheeks began to ache with laughter.

These are the moments when simplicity becomes the master of all journal entries. When thinking of the word, the definition doesn't justify the meaning.

Ironically, simplicity stimulates my most thought-provoking conversations and instigates dreaming which, in turn, allows hope for the future.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Composure in a Rowdy Crowd

There are days when I feel like the most important thing I can do is remain in composure when everywhere around me is full of uncertainty. In my composure I remain quite amidst laughter and tears. It's a time for reflection. It's a time that almost brings peace and serenity.

This time happend to me last night. I didn't want to drive around; I didn't want to hang around friends; I just wanted to stay up and think. What is so ironic about all of this is that it's also a time where I don't want to be left alone.

It's a time of reflection--or resolution. I want to be better, come closer to God, and start over. However, I feel something start inside of me that I can't ignore. I have to keep thinking until the confusion in my silence goes away. So I stay up until the break of dawn with the hope that my conclusions are what is necessary to continue on with dust bunnies out of the closet.

It's not a pity party; rather, a personal renaissance. So here, I go, world--you rowdy crowd, you. Please, stop the noise and confusion; rest in composure. Silence is often serenity.

Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity. It's all about progression, not perfection.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding and K-Mart creepers

I was sitting at the reception after a long day of wedding, cake and constraining dresses. I needed to do that one thing that brings joy from a wedding--aside from the free food (can I get an amen?)--decking out the car with a bunch of "treasured" trinkets for the bride and groom.

We made a last minute dash to the store to get the necessary condiments and accessories for the evil deed involving the groom's snazzy transportation.

Shopping list?
1. Oreos--classic
2. Window Paint (We wrote Genesis 2:25 on the car as well as "build the kingdom")
3. Whipped Cream

What We Had?
1. TONS of left over cake. (shoved into door handles)
2. Endless supply of toilet paper.
3. ...More Toilet paper.

The wrecking crew split up in K-Mart to find the essentials. Somehow I found myself in the unmentionables isle only to find a stranger as company, That stranger, you ask? A K-Mart Associate. He was fashioned in an attractive red vest over his stained shirt and jeans. He was clearly in the wrong section, putting pots away with the scantily clad ensambles . The scene was comical.

He asked me what the occasion was. I told him my best friends were marrying each other. He chuckled, paused, gave me a weird look and said, "So when are you gonna get married?" I laughed a little too loudly--more like shouted a single "HA!" and came back with, "Uh, never :) or at least no time soon."

What came next? Well, I began to feel slightly uncomfortable so I awkwardly inched away from him; shoes squeaking, brow sweating, and panic rising.

Somehow I managed to slip away without another word. What an interesting conversation--only in Utah.

Well, we did the deed (later that night I'm sure they did too ;) ) and it was a masterpiece. Success!!

Summation of their wedding?
1. The most action consisted of a married associate from K-mart...ladies don't go to the one in Bountiful..and winking at little boys (no i'm not a pedophile.)
2. No I didn't catch the bouquet but the girl that did was a worthy opponent as well as a flower-catching scholar.
3. My 6'5" "little" brother that is 17 was accused of being three things: my fiancee, boyfriend, and husband; which is strange considering we look so much alike.
4. The only people in the 'line' that the guests care about are the bride and groom (makes sense) Don't try to remember all of their names.
5. Freezers are the fastest for of air conditioning when you have a car in 100 degree weather that is exempt from the privileged society of those who own cars with air so cold your nose hairs break in the middle of summer.

Am I happy for the married couple? Yes, of course. Am I looking forward to all of my other friends' weddings? I will neither confirm nor deny that prior question. However, I will say this: I am going to pull hair and break noses for the next bouquet tossing I have to endure.

Message to fellow bridesmaids in the future: I work out.