Wednesday, November 23, 2011

3 Minutes

I looked down at my phone today and it decided it was time to update the information for my LG Octane. The directions said something close to the following:

Verizon Wireless Update will start in approx. 3:00 and counting. No calls will be received and none will be dialed out including 911 calls.

My response? Well this just sucks. For the next three minutes I could possibly have a heart attack, stroke, get hit by a car, get poisoned, or any other number of violent exploits. I mean, wouldn't that be awful? Or something could happen to someone else and you only have your phone with you. Haha I can only imagine how that'd play out,

*Person drops*
"Welp, sorry but you have to wait three minutes while my phone updates....hmmm is seems to be taking longer than expected."
*Person dead*
"Crap...shoulda had a smart phone."

Or you could have a socially inept situation:

"Baby, I just want you to know...I love you..........hello? You don't agree? I'm sorry I said the L-word way too soon!!!! Babe?!"

Hahaha oh the possibilities--so much happens in three minutes.

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious and so true! I am unhealthily attached to my phone. I don't know how people survived back in 1995.
