This is a very serious topic that I have been wanting to post about. I am a desirable woman. Why? Allow me to explain. There is a common misconception that the following are not desirable but I beg to differ. Disclaimer: readers must not violate the "non-judgmental" policy.
1. Excessive amounts of drool that lather my face and pillow after a well-rested night's sleep.
2. My culinary mastermind....of breakfast foods and nothing else. I hate cooking.
3. Deep thoughts as to why my nose gets in the way.
4. The acute ability to place screen protectors on phones
5. I shop at the D.I
6. My amazonic height (also the making up of words.)
7. The dancing capability of a 90-year-old.
8. Dubbed pedophile.
9. Disney/Pixar lover
10. Lioness hair every morning.
Granted, this is just a short list of 10 attributes. Be that as it may. However! With time comes age and with age comes beauty...and diapers.
Thank you, and goodnight.
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