Monday, June 6, 2011

Joy in a Dandelion

Probably one of the ugliest flowers is a dandelion. It's shape is boring and round; it's smell is non-existant; and it's yellow color is not something one would necessarily place on a dining room bouquet. However, one of my favorite memories of my childhood involved two things: dandelions and beauty and the beast.

There is a scene in this movie where Bell is singing about how there is more to life than where she lives--with the ambition of becoming the best that she could become. She picks up the dandelion and the seeds fly effortlessly over the valley.

Why is this so special to me? Allow me to explain:

The fact that this ugly flower can turn into a almost magical "wishing" plant makes me happy. I know everyone has made a wish and blown to spread the seeds around. Suddenly this ugly flower becomes something entirely different and beautiful but is was only after time.

Yesterday I was on a walk with one of my good friends. We were walking in a field that happend to have the white--and even beautiful--dandelions. I ran past him, picked the biggest roundest one and was instantly brought back to my childhood. Spinning and attempting (terribly) to sing the words to the song from Disney, something new happened. I didn't feel like I needed to make a wish. At this moment, and for the first time probably ever, I realized I had everything in the world to be thankful for.

In this short moment I came to the understanding that I am truly blessed. Although I was attempting to be childish and ever so slightly immature--making my friend chuckle--it was a moment I am never going to forget. I am so thankful for all of my blessings and especially those around me, influencing me to be and do my very best.

Stop and find joy in the dandelions of just takes time :)

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