Sunday, February 5, 2012


I have moments when I feel content and ready to hand over my life to the One who knows best. When has this recently happened to me? Almost every day this weekend. I spend time with people I love. I grow in my Savior's love that He has for me, I pray, I read, I teach; most importantly, I learn.

I learn to love those around me. I begin to notice things within each person that influence me to be my personal best--my #1 self if you will. I have my moments when I am down. Moments when I look in the mirror and the reflection I see is either something I'm ashamed of or it is something I cherish. I don't have His eyes, or His hands but I know of His love.

I felt this way last night. It was a night, FULL of nostalgia and cherished memories of moments when I feel at peace with where I'm at and where I am going in my life. I feel good. I feel happy. Oh, how great it feels to write that and genuinely mean it!! But the best and most endearing part about this is that I know that even after my body begins to turn to soil's one companion, my moments carry on. My children will know of my moments--I'll remind them regularly. They, too, will have their moments which will carry on through the careful watch of Father Time.

And isn't that the whole reason we cohabit this roller coaster? So we can cling to those moments that we experience and share them with others? This is what makes things once weak, stronger.

So have I moments? Yes, I do. Do I foster these moments and yearn to have more? Yes. Will I? Yes. Will you? Sure. The key is vigilance against all odds.

1 comment:

  1. A. you didnt call me last night. and
    B. I love this!!! It's soooo true. :)
